
Why the West support dictatorship in Black Africa?Why the West support dictatorship in Black Africa?

Viewed in that context, the post-colonial Africa’s burden therefore lies in the continued reliance on Western colonial laws and institutions developed by the colonisers to maintain white domination and undermine socio-economic developments of Black Africa. The colonial policies created slave {...}


Challenges of Addressing Acts of Terrorism in Non-International Armed ConflictsChallenges of Addressing Acts of Terrorism in Non-International Armed Conflicts

Introduction The international community, under both the League of Nations and the United Nations, have historically found it problematic to reach a consensus position on legal definition of terrorism. In the 1930s, several attempts by the League of Nations to {...}


Non-State Armed Groups in Africa: What are their legal status and obligations?Non-State Armed Groups in Africa: What are their legal status and obligations?

International and non-international armed conflicts have been fought, intermittently, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), since 1997. A number of African States joined the armed conflicts, fighting on either side. There were also many foreign and indigenous non-State armed {...}


Criminal Responsibility of Journalists under International Criminal Law: The ICTR ExperienceCriminal Responsibility of Journalists under International Criminal Law: The ICTR Experience

1. Introduction Within a few months after the invasion of Rwanda by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (“RPF”) in October of 1990, President Habyarimana and his senior advisors knew that the RPF had been reduced by losses during the first months {...}


Collateral Damage: A Dangerous Omission in the Law of Armed ConflictsCollateral Damage: A Dangerous Omission in the Law of Armed Conflicts

Introduction Hon. Judge Pillay is a distinguished judge, with an impeccable record of service at the ICTR and ICC. She is a committed human rights lawyer. Judge Pillay is in a unique position, with the necessary institutional support, to initiate {...}


Annual Meeting of EAC Chief Justices: 7th and 8th December, 2009 Nairobi – KenyaAnnual Meeting of EAC Chief Justices: 7th and 8th December, 2009 Nairobi – Kenya

An Overview of the work of International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Introduction This short paper provides an overview of the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). It identifies some of the law, Rules of Procedure and Evidence {...}