
Doctrine of Military Necessity and Role of Religious Institutions: A CommentaryDoctrine of Military Necessity and Role of Religious Institutions: A Commentary

“The ‘Principle of Military Necessity’ permits measures which are actually necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose and are not otherwise prohibited by International Humanitarian Law” International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Introduction During international armed conflicts (IAC) or {...}


Guilty Plea Negotiations for Serious Crimes: Lessons Learnt from the ICTRGuilty Plea Negotiations for Serious Crimes: Lessons Learnt from the ICTR

Introduction Plea negotiations are a common practice in international criminal prosecutions. The practice is also common in many national jurisdictions. Accused person may choose to plead guilty, in many cases, agree as well, to testify against co-perpetrators or co-conspirators as {...}


Drone Warfare and Disproportionate Civilian Deaths: A CommentaryDrone Warfare and Disproportionate Civilian Deaths: A Commentary

1.      Introduction The use of drones (or unmanned aerial vehicles –UAVs) is a dangerous weapon of choice for the developed countries, particularly the United States of America, the United Kingdom and their allies, in international armed Conflicts (IAC) or non-international {...}


Genocide on Trial: Normative Effects of the Rwanda Tribunal’s JurisprudenceGenocide on Trial: Normative Effects of the Rwanda Tribunal’s Jurisprudence

INTRODUCTION The last fifteen years witnessed significant development in international criminal law. This progress was possible because of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) jurisprudence. The paper evaluates the normative {...}


Criminal Responsibility of Journalists under International Criminal Law: The ICTR ExperienceCriminal Responsibility of Journalists under International Criminal Law: The ICTR Experience

1. Introduction Within a few months after the invasion of Rwanda by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (“RPF”) in October of 1990, President Habyarimana and his senior advisors knew that the RPF had been reduced by losses during the first months {...}


Amsterdam Centre for International LawAmsterdam Centre for International Law

Research Project ‘International Criminal Procedure: In Search of General Rules and Principles’ Funded by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) Supervised by Professor Dr. G.K. Sluiter Field Research, ICTR, Arusha, Tanzania, May-June 2008 Interviewers: Karel De Meester and Sergey {...}